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5 Tips to Boost Productivity While Working from Home

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5 Tips to Boost Productivity While Working from Home

Almost all businesses have had to make the switch to working from home in an effort to protect their employees. However, many businesses and their employees are new to working from home and it can be difficult to find a productive rhythm to the workday while at home.

 Our team has five recommendations that will help you work from home more efficiently:

Keep a Routine

Don’t turn off your alarm! Continue to get up at your normal time, change out of your pajamas and into normal clothes, eat breakfast, and start your workday. Keeping your routine will make it easier for you to switch into work mode and will help you when you return to the office.

Create an “Office Space”

Whether you’re working from your kitchen island or your dining room table, it is important to make it feel like your workspace. Ensure you have pencils, pens, phone or laptop chargers readily available. Having to get up to retrieve these items can disturb your workflow and easily distract you. And if you’re working from your couch or bed – please get up and find a tabletop to work at as soon as possible.

Eliminate Electronics

Set up your office space away from unnecessary electronics like your TV or phone. When you eliminate these items from your workspace you eliminate your distractions. If you will need your phone to make calls, turn your phone’s volume up and move it away from your workspace – when it goes off, you’ll hear it and will be able to respond. You will also eliminate the desire to pick up your phone to scroll mindlessly through social media or news apps, allowing you to become more productive.

Take a Break or Two

You take breaks during the workday, why wouldn’t you take a break while working from home? Head out for a walk, do a quick workout, or do some journaling. If you are having a snack or eating lunch, avoid eating it at your desk or workspace in order to switch out of a work-mode mindset.

Separate Work from Home

Finally, create boundaries between your workday and being at home. It will be harder now more than ever to separate work from home because we no longer have a commute or even a building now to decompress your workday as you enter homelife. If possible, clear up your workstation and move work items out of sight. If you can, turn work notifications off after hours.