LEAD Marketing

Which social media platforms are right for your business?

Social Media  / Which social media platforms are right for your business?

Which social media platforms are right for your business?

Marketing your business on social media can be among the most effective ways to gain new customers. Social media allows you to promote your business in a fun and creative way and reach a large audience for a low cost. However, not all social media platforms are created equal. Every social media platform has its own set of users with their own unique ways of interacting with content. If you want to market your business on social media you need to be aware of the many nuances of each platform, since they will ultimately impact how well your campaign performs. Here are a few details you should pay attention to if you are looking to market your business on social media.

  • Be Where your Ideal Customers are:

When choosing which social media platforms to use, it is all about where your ideal customers spend their time. If you’re a business to business (B2B) company, you may want to consider using LinkedIn, if you’re an e-commerce business, you might research Facebook or Instagram. Once you’ve identified where your customers reside, you can master your chosen platform.

  • Research your Competition:

When getting started with marketing on social media, it can be very helpful to research your top competition. Check your competitors pages across all platforms and see what types of content they are posting, when they post, and how much engagement they get from users. Once you get a good idea of which platforms are yielding the greatest results, set your goals and choose that one!

  • Build a Consistent Strategy Across Platforms:

Maximizing your reach while minimizing effort is key for an effective social media campaign. More important than focusing on a specific social media platform is creating a consistent social strategy that is maintainable. Once you have a consistent strategy in place, you can push that content to all your main platforms. There are several free scheduling tools that make it easy to schedule posts out for the coming weeks/months ahead.

  • Use Social Forums to Stimulate Discussion:

One benefit of marketing on social media is that users are generally open and willing to participate in discussions. Platforms like Reddit and LinkedIn give you the opportunity to share content and get your questions/conversations in front of large groups of people. However, it is best to avoid oversharing and stay away from posting low quality content or uninteresting content just for the sake of getting something out there. For the best results on forums, try to gain a good understanding of your audience, choose catchy discussion ideas, and post regularly.