LEAD Marketing

Tom Sullivan Featured on RankWatch

News  / Tom Sullivan Featured on RankWatch
Measurable Marketing Results

Tom Sullivan Featured on RankWatch

Sahil Kakkar, CEO and Founder of RankWatch, interviewed and featured Tom Sullivan.

Read the full interview here.


How do you think SEO has changed over the last 10 years? And, how do you think year 2019 will shape up for SEO industry?

Content is king. Relevancy is vital. You have to create content that is desired by the audience and not just create content for the sake of doing it.


What are the services you provide to your clients and what do you think makes your business stand out among your competitors?

LEAD Marketing Agency provides measurable results for our clients. We do this by managing a strategy that includes a mix of the appropriate tactics designed to achieve the goal of each client. We offer SEO and web design services as well as planning and buying of media on all digital and traditional media platforms. Our full-service creative team creates messages for all mediums that tie with the plan and amplify our client’s brand while driving action. And we measure all that we do.


Everybody knows what you have achieved, I would like to talk about your failure stories and how they impacted your professional life. (As we know Rome was not built in a day)

Anyone who has participated in sports or any competitive endeavor over a period of time understands that you will endure losses. The ability to pick yourself up and go back to work after a setback is what is important. Failure to me would be to not get back up after a loss or a setback.

“By that definition, we at LEAD Marketing Agency really don’t have failures, because we always get back up after a loss, learn from the experiences and become better for it”