LEAD Marketing

Remarketing, what’s not to love?

Expertise  / Remarketing, what’s not to love?
How to Remarket for online sales

Remarketing, what’s not to love?

As a consumer, I love online advertising.
And no. I am not being sarcastic.

When I browse the web or my social media feeds, I feel like the brands ‘get me’.
You’re probably thinking, …”Oh my, here goes another millennial” or maybe you are one. In that case, cheers.

Either way, hear me out.

Online advertising has become so sophisticated that when I’m browsing the web, I feel like the ads are my own curated product recommendations and brands suggestions.

It’s like when you are listening to the Dave Matthews Band Station on Pandora and all the sudden the genius musicians behind Pandora serve you a new artist you’ve never heard before and instantly you fall in love with the song. Everyone knows what it feels like to fall in love with a song, now apply that feeling to falling in love with a brand.

For example, I’m reading an article on ‘The 15 Best Stocking Stuffers’ and I’m served an ad from Nordstrom for this amazing velvet pillow. “Love it. Need it”. But then my conscious mind pops in and says “the holidays are for giving, do not buy yourself that pillow.” So I sigh and click on the Eucalyptus lavender candle that my guide tells me is the perfect stocking stuffer.

The Eucalyptus lavender candle has now taken me to another site where this time I am not as strong and my subconscious mind takes over when I am served an ad for 30% off an Icelandic sheepskin throw from cb2.

‘Buy Now’ –> click –> purchase –> shipping will arrive on 12/23. opse.

Nordstrom and cb2 are both brands I love and clearly they know I just bought a new couch and have been redecorating my living room. I’ve been looking for a throw for my couch, and they directed me to one I loved without me asking. How great is that?

Back to shopping for others, I jump on Instagram for inspiration and scroll through my feed stopping at Lauren Kay Sim’s post for ‘Beauty Gifts & Stocking Stuffers!’ Her post has an array of products recommended by her because they are items she personally uses and they are perfect for what I am looking for. The link in her bio takes you to the blog page where you can purchase the items online.

Do you see my point? These brands know me!
They knew I was shopping for home decor and served me ads for products that matched my style based on my online browsing behaviors. Then when I go to Instagram, I know that I like Lauren’s style and trust her recommendations, so it was an easy purchase decision because she had already created the content with gift options for me.

I honestly enjoy getting served ads that match my style and behaviors. The sales process is not just a funnel, but rather a customer journey, so when brands use the proper strategies to target me across all tactics I view it as more of a recommendation vs an annoying ad.